Friday, January 15, 2010

The latest

So yes, i'm learning knit. This is good; now i can make hats and things, although i'm still new at it. As for other crafts, theres not much ive accomplished, though im planning ahead with decapitated barbie dolls. I might try to make something this weekend. I'll post my creation later.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Hey guess what everybody! my brother is getting married! Prettty cool huh? My parents are really pissed off at him though. OH well, they'll get over it. I hope i get to dress fancily for the wedding. tee hee.

Friday, August 7, 2009

check out my betching new glasses. Arent they bad ass? I think so.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

sad story

my family owns a number of chickens, who roam freely around the yard. We even had a rooster. The hens would lay eggs in the yard and our dogs would find them and eat them. so the hens started laying eggs underneath our garden shed. Last summer one hen layed and egg and incubated it until it finally hatched. So the baby chick grew up and was happy. Then this last winter our hen house colasped under all the snow and our rooster died. But the baby and mama suvived. Then with the arrival of spring came a new puppy. The puppy had not learned to leave the chickens alone, like the other dogs and when she got big she attack them. The mother survived but the baby did not. Recently we noticed that we were short a chicken, it did not appear in the next few days so we began to look for it. We started under the garden shed. The hen had layed a large number of egges under the shed and had been incubating them. It was there, incubateing the eggs that would never hatch due to a lack of a rooster, the hen had died. SHe had not left her post attop the eggs to eat or drink and so the starved to death trying to replace her lost baby.

Friday, July 3, 2009

sucide monkey

ok so as some of you may know. ( I dont know why you would know, let alone how. unless maybe you were stalking me and have been at my house.) i have a sock monkey. so i decided to take a pic ture of him killing himself, and so suicide monkey was born i am gunna take pictures of him killing himself in different ways. its gunna be awesome!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

michel jackson is dead, eh.

Friday, June 12, 2009

summer troble

Okay , so summer has finally begun. and i have a situation, i had this situtaion last year also but it seems to be much more irritating this year. and the situation is: bordom. honestly i am bored out of my freaking mind!!!!! Both of my parents work and my brother is either in the gaming layer all day or is out with friends, which leaves me alone in the terrible house. I would ususally watch telivistion, but lately i realized that tv itself is boreing, there is also the option of video games, but theyre not as fun when you play alone..... so being bored all the time, i am up for anything. and i mean anything. seriously, if you want to go to the library i'm up for it. even better yet give me homework. like tell me to carve a robot er something! just give me something to do!! but nothing monday, im going to the beach. ^^. lol.