Saturday, May 16, 2009


ok this is both annoying me and pissing me off: people complaining about the weather. and now i am going to make this as clear as i can be. IN SPRING IT RAINS, IN SUMMER ITS HOT, IN FALL ITS COLD AND IN WINTER IS SNOWS SO SHUT UP ALREADY!!! i dont understand how anyone could go through a whole day without killing another person, i usually kill 17 a day. it really relieves my stress.

i would like everyone to know: dinosaurs are awesome!

yes, it is true. dinosaurs are indeed awesome. i beleive everyone has an inner dinosaur. slammy would be a triceratops because she is a vegaterian(vegaterians dont eat meet for those of you who didnt know that already) and it has sharp, deadly horns that slap amaz when every she mutteres her insults to loudly.i on the otherhand would be a Deinonychus because they are skinny, cool looking and hardcore( remind you of someone?). i am sure there is a dino in all of us you just have to find and embrace yours. If i ever go to a therapist in the future and he says "you have to find the little kid in you." i will reply "sorry the dinosaur in me ate the kid in me." then cakle madly and jump out a window,doing an awesome backflip and somehow destoying his car at the same time